Unique Reasons Why You Should Move to the UK - LegitBio

There are many reasons to choose the UK as your new home. English is the world’s most widely spoken language and its literature and pop culture have influenced cultures all over the world. Many people also choose the UK for its free healthcare benefits. Few countries in the world offer universal healthcare coverage, and health care expenses in many developing countries are among the largest expenses. Read on to find out some of the best reasons to move to the UK.

Study in the UK

There are numerous reasons why you should choose the United Kingdom for your study abroad experience. This country’s culture is rich and diverse. In addition, UK credentials are internationally recognized. The city of London is home to many art galleries, markets, and pubs. It is a diverse and lively city, and students from all over the world can enjoy all of the city’s attractions. Moreover, studying in the UK allows you to experience many cultures and learn about their traditions.


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Avoid double taxation

If you’re considering emigrating to the United Kingdom, you should make sure to plan for taxes properly. While planning for taxes does not always work for immigration to the UK, you can avoid double taxation if you know what you’re doing. Take the example of Pierre, a 45-year-old Swiss businessman. He has sold his business in Switzerland and plans to move to London. But he’s worried about the tax implications of becoming a UK tax resident. He’s read that he can avoid the consequences of becoming a UK tax resident by spending no more than certain days in the UK. Unfortunately, he also needs a tier 1 investment visa in the UK to qualify.

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Work full-time in the UK

The UK remains one of the most popular destinations for people looking to relocate. Many people enjoy the culture, nightlife, natural beauty, and thousands of years of history that the country has to offer. Even a simple stroll through the streets of London can become a history lesson. Read on to discover why the UK should be your next destination. Here are some of the top reasons you should consider moving to the UK.

People of the UK are kind, courteous, and warm

In general, the people of the UK are polite and friendly. Compared to some of their European counterparts, they don’t behave in a pushy or confrontational manner. They tend to be very polite and avoid embarrassing situations by using “sorry” and avoiding bodily functions. They are very polite and avoid formal addresses and big gestures. However, they can be quite rude if they feel that they’ve offended you.


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Healthcare is free in the UK

While most primary medical care in the United Kingdom is free, it is not free for all. The NHS does charge for certain services, such as prescriptions and dental care. It also charges for certain aspects of personal care, such as eye tests. Those who are over the age of retirement or are under 16 are generally exempt from paying for healthcare. Those on a low income, however, must pay a minimum amount for these services.